Morning Affirmations Meditation
Starting the day with this meditation enables you to face the day setting your sights on rich meaning and joy. It gives you relaxed openness which allows you to reap the benefits and gifts that are present in every moment awaiting your discovery. It also boosts your energy which positions you to greet challenging situations and people with a clear mind and inner strength.
Downloadable MP3: $14.95 SALE PRICE: $7.95
Morning Affirmations Mediation with Bible Verses
Same content as above that includes verses from the Bible.
Downloadable MP3: $14.95 SALE PRICE: $7.95
Evening Meditation
This meditation will guide you to easily let go of the stress of your day and to appreciate things about yourself that will have you feeling good as you drift off to a peaceful sleep. Listen to this as you are readying for sleep.
Downloadable MP3: $14.95 SALE PRICE: $7.95
Evening Mediation with Bible Verses
Same content as above that includes verses from the Bible.
Downloadable MP3: $14.95 SALE PRICE: $7.95
Accelerate Accomplishments
This recording uses relaxation and suggestions to enable you to easily let go of thoughts and beliefs that limit your progress, gently notice and let go of even subtle resistance to achievement, resolve authority issues, and go beyond the discouragement of others.
Downloadable MP3: $24.95 SALE PRICE: $7.95
Special Package Offer (non Biblical)
Buy all 3, Morning Affirmations and Meditation, Evening Meditation, and Accelerating Accomplishments.
Downloadable MP3s: $44.95 SALE PRICE: $20.00
Special Package Offer with Bible Verses
Buy all 3, Morning Affirmations and Meditation, Evening Meditation, and Accelerating Accomplishments with Bible verses.
Downloadable MP3s: $44.95 SALE PRICE: $20.00