
Centering in Myself

The first step to centering yourself is realizing that you are at the center of your life, the central star of your life epic.  You are the sun in your universe. Your life really does “revolve” around you. The only person looking through your eyes is you!  It doesn’t matter how much you do for others or how much you don’t do for yourself.  It all still begins with you.  If your life were a movie you would be the star, not your partner, children, parents, boss or any of the other people that need you. So stop for a minute and imagine yourself as a star.  Close your eyes and picture a scene with you as the central figure.  What does that look like? […]

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Your Higher Thinking – Bring IT Front and Center

(Add years of livable time to your life) Feeling torn between options, endless going back and forth weighing alternatives, inner conflict, not being able to decide because there are as many pros as there are cons?  You know how draining this process can be. Maybe it even keeps you awake at night.  Your reasoning process is clouded even more by your pressure to decide. Even though you know that you have gut feelings, even intuition, you are tied up in your thoughts and even research about what to do, what to say, what to buy etc.  No matter how much you try to figure it out or calm down for it to become clear, you are still caught up in an endless loop of what […]

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Growth, Maturation and Self-Appreciation

As published in Natural Awakenings ( by Ellen Seigel A person’s desperation to feel better often propels them toward accelerated growth, but a frequent roadblock is clinging to habitual negative thoughts. This often fosters feelings of relief and can be enticing because letting go of old, obsolete and counter-productive thoughts can be challenging. Working to break free into a new growth pattern can ultimately feel like happily walking into the cool ocean of gentle waves on a hot day—soothing, cooling and relieving. Even after making significant progress, a feeling that one is regressing can occur and be distracting. Like flowers, humans do not grow backwards. Growth progresses from immaturity to maturity. Even when our bodies reach physical maturity, we continue to grow. This growth is […]

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Having Happiness for Others

As now the Olympics have just passed, that magical time that rolls around every 4 years and the whole world forgets their trouble and watches their star athletes compete for gold. It’s beautiful when you stop to consider that, for 1 or 2 weeks we aren’t thinking about nuclear crisis or bomb blasts and the news is merely a medal count. War for that time is merely a matter of gold, silver, or bronze. It’s also a time when we embrace the winners. It doesn’t matter what country they were born in, or what flag hangs over the podium. For that brief moment the world realizes they are witnessing a triumph for someone, being part of one of the greatest moments in their lives, and […]

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Fear is a Protective Device

Fear is a protective device to save myself from the fantasy of hurt. What a terrific new understanding of fear.  Of course it’s a protective device, it doesn’t allow you to proceed. And it works without exception, perfectly well. When you were little it was easy for adults who were much larger and who had strong voices, to overpower you, to frighten you.  That’s a fact. You were truly frightened.  And you spent a lot of time “little.” And so … the overpowering pressed onto you and in to you. The impression of fear onto you is still there and on automatic and is automatically protecting you from faultily anticipated hurt. Perhaps you spoke up and were reprimanded into silence.  Perhaps you spoke up and […]

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Procrastination: A New View

Years of procrastinating and downing myself for it. Whether you believe it or not… you (and I) were distracted by anything and maybe everything else. Each of those distractions were worthy of their own appreciation, who knew?  That busy work had something of value or it would not have needed to move along or get done.  Perhaps an overall lesson for you to grow on, leading to magnificent self appreciation. For me I made all of  those so called “distractions” a higher priority than what I thought I “should” be doing at the time. There’s a clue here that there was something wrong with my thinking.  That is that “shoulds” are like “shi___ing” on oneself.  (Sorry about the yucky language). Every time you say (or […]

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Relaxing First

When you relax your body you are actually loosening congested energy from years of tightening up inside when something wasn’t right. Relaxing your body also loosens up things that have been hardened within you as habits. Relaxing first will help you with any problem you are currently trying to figure out.  It allows you to see things you are experiencing now or have experienced in the past with a clearer eye.  You will be more able and willing to see things in the situation which you may have missed because you were upset or hurrying .  You’ll have more good information for your clear thinking. Ideally relax by sitting in a comfortable chair. Uncross your legs.  Close your eyes and take a deep breath…allowing  yourself […]

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Inner Upset

Often in life we find ourselves upset.  Our first attempt at a solution to this upset is to make some kind of change.  The change we often make is external.  We change something outside of ourselves. I’m unhappy at work so I’ll look for new work or a new way to work.  I don’t like the way I feel when I look in the mirror.  I don’t like how I look. I’m too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, not pretty,  it’s my hair etc.  So you go on a diet, buy beautiful high heels, adopt a drastically different hair style etc.  The change may provide a welcome shift in your feelings, temporarily. This works because the new fix brings up different feelings within […]

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I am the main star in my life

Before we go on, I want you to really feel the meaning of the words, “I am the main star in my life.” It’s okay to use your imagination if you have to, or even to play pretend. Close your eyes until you can see only the words, “I am the main star in my life,” in front of you. Allow yourself to try on the feeling of being the star in your life. Now picture this. You get up in the morning and already you have many things on your mind: getting the children off to school, seeing your husband off for the day, preparing to run errands, and heading to work. Everything that you are focusing on revolves around you. Nothing in your […]

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